Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Farid Fatsya in TJ Commercial

Farid Fatsya in TJ Commercial Services

TJ Commercial Services is one of the Company in the area of ​​Tanjung Balai Karimun – Batam.
Catering owner is Mr. Tjong Indonesian citizen, but business was very extensive network in Singapore.
The company is getting Catering Service Project of Saipem, the location is above the kitchen Padi Mas hotel. That’s one reason why the given name of Sky Canteen name for his Mess.
POB only 70 people only and all the italian and only 3 people from Indonesia.
I joined this company around the 15th of May, 2010 to June 15, 2010.
While Mr Yopi Technical Advisornya is ex PT.Usayana, and Operations Manager is Mr. Hendra Sutanto.
Project Orientation Saipem is Building Dock Project for the Southeast Asian region.
I resigned from the company due to salary commitments. And Batam-Jakarta Transportation Allowances per 3 months.

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